شواهد قبور سمرقند المنقوشة على حصى البازلت خلال القرن الثالث حتى السابع الهجري/ التاسع حتى الثالث عشر الميلادي

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


مدرس بقسم الآثار الإسلامية، کلية الآثار، جامعة القاهرة


In Samarkand’s cemeteries was spread a distinctive type of gravestones, made of large-sized river stones. It is a natural stone formed by nature, which gave it irregular shapes. This type of gravestone was common in Samarkand in the period from the third century AH/ the Ninth century CE until the beginning of the seventh century AH/ the Thirteenth century CE, and most of it was concentrated in the Sixth century AH/ the Twelfth century CE. Inscriptions of these gravestones represent the link between early gravestones in Central Asia and the gravestones from the Timurid period. In which we observe development of the gravestones in terms of the general form, raw material used in its manufacture, Shapes of the lines inscribed and their contents. This research is concerned with study of these tombstones by identifying the type of stone used in manufacture of gravestones, how to implement the inscriptions, read the inscriptions, analyzed it to access its contents, types of lines engraved on them and other information about population of the city.

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