دراسة لمضمون مجموعة من نصوص الإنشاء والتجديد بمساجد وجوامع مدينة ماغنيسا في العصرين الصاروخاني والعثماني

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم الآثار والحضارة، کلية الآداب، جامعة حلوان


The city of Magnesia is one of the oldest historical cities in western Anatolian region, and was the rural capital of western Anatolia, it was once named ‘Maginisa’, the city flourished during the sarukhan and Ottoman periods, and during the Ottoman era was known as the city of Shahzada, because it was a training center for ottoman crown princes. It was a very important city, so the architectural activities  flourished during the sarukhan and Ottoman periods, and during those periods numerous structures were constructed and decorated with foundational and renewal texts and prayer  statements.
The city of Magnesia includes a huge number of Islamic monuments from sarukhan and Ottomans periods, varying between mosques, schools, baths (caravanserai) and Takaya, a lot of them still in its original condition, and some of them are restored
This paper aims to study foundations and renovation inscriptions in Magnesia mosques of sarukhan and Ottoman periods.