دينار مزيف باسم الخليفة العباسي الناصر لدين الله ضرب مدينة السلام سنة 616هـ

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


مدرس الآثار والمسکوکات الإسلامية، کلية الآثار، جامعة القاهرة


This study aims to shed light on forgery coinage during the Abbasid period in general, and the time of Caliph al-Nāir li-Dīn Allah in particular, through forgery dinar in the name of Caliph al-Nāir li-Dīn Allah minted in Madīnat al-Salām 616 AH, and this is contemporary forgery, not modern. This dinar is a rare dinar due to the nonspread of forgery during that period.This research includes the study and publication of another non–forgery dinar in the name of Caliph al-Nāir li-Dīn Allah minted in Madīnat al-Salām 616 AH, These two dinars are published and studied in this research for the first time.

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